lundi 30 septembre 2013

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5 Things That Slow Down Your Startup's Growth
Sep 30th 2013, 10:00, by Jacob Gube

Creating a startup has never been easier. And once you get going — depending on your drive, vision and personal motivation — you will likely experience rapid growth and productivity at the start of your journey. Everything’s new and there’s seemingly endless potential to grow.

However, once the honeymoon period fades and reality sets in — and it will at some point — you will be faced with doubts, fear, and insecurity. This point in time is a crucial fork in the road; one path will move you forward and the other will lead you astray.

When that time comes, it’s important to deal with the following common issues experienced by most startup founders.

1. Waiting for Everything to Be Perfect

Sometimes it’s hard to get things moving because you want things to be flawless.

However, perfection never happens. Perfection is a pipe dream.

To succeed in business means focusing on the things that matter. Moving forward and growing means not letting inconsequential details derail you from launching your product or distracting you from your vision.

After all, a startup business is like a living organism, it will evolve over time. As long as you have the core features in a sufficient state, you will be fine.

It’s best to take your product to the market swiftly and improve it over time, rather than agonizing over non-essential features and ending up missing the mark. As LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman once said, "If you’re not embarrassed by your first launch, you’ve launched too late."

You have to start some time, and that time isn’t when everything is perfect.

Even Apple — now one of the most successful companies in the world — started with a humble and imperfect product: The Apple I computer.

Apple I computerSource: Ed Uthman

The Apple I lacked even the most basic features of a computer, like an input device and monitor, which, even at the time, were already expected features of consumer-oriented computers.

However, the Apple I was an innovative product at the time because it was easier to operate compared to other options. Also it could display the computer’s output using only an ordinary television.

It didn’t matter that the Apple I lacked features that consumers expected, or that not every aspect of the product was flawless. What did matter, however, is that the computer had a couple of game-changing features that a segment of computer enthusiasts appreciated.

Successful entrepreneur and developer Dave Winer says this about building software: "Software is a process, it’s never finished, it’s always evolving. That’s its nature. We know our software sucks. But it’s shipping! Next time we’ll do better, but even then it will be shitty. The only software that’s perfect is one you’re dreaming about."

Suggested Reading

2. Trying to Live Up to Your Competitors

It can be all too easy to compare yourself to your competitors. This process can be intimidating and discouraging, too.

Keeping up with industry news and knowing about your competition is an essential task for all business founders. But when it becomes an obsession, it can be unhealthy for your company.

Don’t waste time thinking about your competitors’ every move. Only you can be the maker of your business’s success. Analyzing the competition can be a long, dark maze in which you can easily lose yourself in.

Paul Graham — a successful entrepreneur, startup advisor and investor behind companies like Dropbox, Airbnb, Stripe and Reddit — pointed out in a blog post that startups rarely fail because of its competitors.

A crowded market, according to Graham, is a signal that there’s an unfulfilled need in that market. The presence of competitors should be viewed as a healthy sign of market viability, rather than a threat.

Do your competitor analysis and keep abreast with what’s going on in your industry, but don’t let it discourage you from building your vision.

Suggested Reading

3. Doing Everything Yourself

Don’t feel compelled to wear all the hats of HR, marketing, IT, finance, web development, and sales. Your energies are best channeled into a few specific and strategically crucial tasks, so make sure you get help from other people. Delegation is an important skill all entrepreneurs must master.

Tim O’Reilly, founder of O’Reilly Media, looked back at his career as an entrepreneur and what he wished he had done differently. O’Reilly notes that one of his biggest failures was trying to do everything himself: "I believe it was Harold Geneen who once said, ‘The skill of management is to achieve your objectives through the efforts of others.’ Yet, like so many entrepreneurs, my first instinct was not to hire the team to go after a new product or market, but to do it myself, or with the team I already had."

Empower the relevant people in your business and give them the best tools you can afford to let them do their job.

4. Taking Yourself Too Seriously

With the number of business-critical decisions you will have to take, it’s easy to become a little too serious.

Serial entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson is probably the ultimate embodiment of a good-humored startup founder. Behind his cheeky smile, however, lays a very solid business rationale: a sense of humor and positivity tends to create a culture of openness where employees are more likely to be creative. "Granted, smiling can’t solve every problem, but it can make almost any situation a little better," Branson says.

Maintaining positive morale is crucial in the close confines of a startup.

5. Fear of Failure

There’s nothing wrong with being wrong. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that mistakes will happen. You will always wish you had done certain things differently.

The art of getting things right is also about getting things wrong. Nobody has ever had a perfect idea that didn’t need any work or changes — accepting this notion demonstrates a self-awareness and maturity that will be integral to the success of any young business.

Many successful entrepreneurs, from Rand Fishkin of Moz to Hiten Shah from KISSmetrics, have encountered hurdles along the way but have got up and kept going.

The key to their success was the ability to learn what had gone wrong, why it had gone wrong, and how they could stop it from happening again.

Suggested Reading

And What if You Do Fail?

Try to make failure as low-cost as possible and learn from it as much as you can.

And have a plan Z. Having a backup plan if things go really wrong (which ensures you will have a roof on your head even if it means going back to Mom and Dad’s) will help you face difficult times with more objectivity and come out of it, if nothing else, at least a little wiser.

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About the Author

Sabelline Chicot is a content strategist at Further, an award-winning Web marketing agency. She writes about entrepreneurship and tech topics. She’s passionate about the Web, UX and innovation, and is always on the lookout for tech solutions that truly solve problems. Follow her on Twitter: @sabellinechicot.

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lundi 23 septembre 2013

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Onboarding Techniques and Examples for Your New Users
Sep 23rd 2013, 10:00, by Jacob Gube

When someone signs up on your website, or downloads your software, or installs your mobile app, it doesn’t immediately mean the person has already decided to use it.

You have a small window of opportunity to quickly introduce your app’s key features and teach a first-time user how the app works. The process of familiarizing a new user to your app is called onboarding.

Onboarding accomplishes these two things in the most efficient way possible:

  • Present the key benefits of using the app (the app’s value proposition)
  • Teach the app’s main features so new users can use the app immediately

General Onboarding Concepts

  • Onboarding generally starts as soon as the new user launches the app.
  • The onboarding process should be short because you want the user engaging with the app as quickly as possible.
  • Onboarding should only focus on the most important characteristics of the app.

Next, I will go over four common techniques used in onboarding and discuss some real-world examples that employ each technique.

Onboarding Technique: Tutorial

A common technique used in an onboarding process is presenting a short tutorial before bringing the new user into the app’s UI.

The tutorial is generally a sequential flow of static screens displaying the app’s key features and benefits.

Examples of the Tutorial Technique


Mailbox uses an interactive tutorial for the onboarding process so that new users can rapidly see the app’s unique features and learn how to use it.

Notice how the onboarding process doesn’t go into every single detail of the app; it only highlights and teaches you the app’s core benefits and features.


Pocket’s onboarding experience is a series of static screens that demonstrate how to use the app.

Onboarding Technique: Walkthrough

Walkthroughs ensure that you avoid the blank slate problem by prompting users to fill out some necessary information in order for them to start using the app.

The downside with walkthroughs is that they are generally very rigid. The user can’t explore the interface without first completing the walkthrough. Thus, walkthroughs should conclude quickly or else you risk the possibility of having the user walk away from the app.

Examples of the Walkthrough Technique


Upon first interacting with Tumblr, the new user is prompted to input important information to ensure a customized user experience.


Pulse has a shorter walkthrough than Tumblr because it only needs new users to choose their interests.

After the walkthrough, you’re free to explore the app by yourself.

What’s important to note is that the walkthroughs above are as short as possible; they only gather information that’s needed.

Onboarding Technique: Screen Overlay

Another popular technique used in the onboarding process is to draw attention to a key element of the UI and then providing helpful information about it.

The rest of the UI is deemphasized so that the focus is on the particular element being highlighted.

Related article: The Art of Distinction in Web Design shares concepts and strategies for drawing the user’s attention towards certain elements of a web page.

Unlike the tutorial or walkthrough techniques, screen overlays allow you to get users immediately inside the app after they sign in without having to present any preliminary screens.

With screen overlays, you can guide the user’s attention to the most important features, but you can also give them the option to explore the app on their own.

Example of the Screen Overlay Technique


Fitocracy is a community-oriented app that helps you track your workouts. Though there are a lot of features in this app, the onboarding experience focuses only on a handful of key features, leaving it up to the user to discover everything else later on.

Onboarding Technique: Inline Hinting

Another technique you can use when onboarding a new user is to display hints while the person is exploring the app.

When they reach something that deserves more explanation, they are presented with useful information about it — a concept called progressive disclosure.

Inline hinting can give your users freedom to explore the app on their own and is not as obtrusive as other onboarding techniques.

Example of the Inline Hinting Technique

YouTube Capture

The onboarding experience of YouTube Capture starts with a quick tutorial. Then it uses inline hints to teach you the app’s UI. It’s a simple app and so progressive disclosure works very effectively in this case.


It’s important to note that you can use a combination of these techniques to craft your onboarding process. For example, you can start with a tutorial and then proceed to screen overlays and inline hinting when the user starts exploring and interacting with the app.

Onboarding is not always necessary. Many apps are so simple that an onboarding process is a burden for the user. Take for example a flashlight app:

The flashlight app above has only one function and one major UI element (a really big on/off button). Thus, an onboarding experience will only serve to slow down the user’s experience in this instance.

Other Articles on Onboarding

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About the Author

Krzysztof Kozak has many years of experience in UX. He specializes in mobile technology and designing for mobile devices. He works as a UX Specialist at Symetria, a company that provides comprehensive e-business and user experience services. Follow Symetria on Twitter.

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lundi 9 septembre 2013

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mercredi 4 septembre 2013

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7 Useful Git Tips for Beginners
Sep 4th 2013, 10:00, by Jacob Gube

Back when I first started to use Git for version control, I wasn’t sure if all the learning I invested into it would pay off. Branching, staging, stashing — these Git terms were all foreign to me.

Today, I can’t imagine life without Git. Git not only gave me a much-needed ability to version-control my work, it also made me a better programmer.

Here’s a series of simple tips that will help you make Git an important part of your web development workflow.

Tip 1: Spend Some Time Learning Git Basics

Learning the basics doesn’t mean you have to read the entire Git documentation from start to finish (although if that’s your thing, I wouldn’t discourage you from doing it).

There’s so much educational content on Git that I’m sure there’s something out there that fits your personal preferences and optimal learning style.

Learn Git Basics

Here are a few Git learning resources to check out:

Tip 2: Start with a Simple Git Workflow

Less is more.

Often, Git is associated with complex workflows. Let me say this though: You don’t have to completely master Git in order to instantly reap its benefits.

Git workflows can be extremely simple — and in a lot of cases "simple" is exactly all you need. Sure, you can use multiple remote repositories, issue pull requests, rebase your changes, etc. but you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

Starting with a simple workflow also makes it easier to add more complexity later on when you need Git’s more advanced features. The advanced features will be there for you when you need them.

Here are some examples of various Git workflows that you can take ideas and inspiration from:

The overarching point is this: Don’t stress out about needing to learn everything about Git. You can start using Git today.

Tip 3: Stop Being Afraid of Making Mistakes

A great thing about Git is that it’s almost 100% foolproof.

Keeping the following things in mind should let you sleep easy at night:

  1. Git hardly ever deletes data. Even actions that seem to delete items in reality actually add data to the system that will let you quickly undo deletions.
  2. You can undo almost everything in Git. I encourage you to experiment and explore Git and try out your ideas because this is one of the major benefits of using a version control system.
  3. Every member of your team has a repository cloned on his/her computer. Essentially, this is sort of like a redundant backup of the whole version-controlled project (including the full history) in the very unlikely event you do mess things up big time and can’t recover your mistake.

Tip 4: Understand the Concept of Branching

The concept of branching in Git is one of the most useful things you can learn at the start. Branching allows you to keep separate developments of one project possible and is a key component of being an effective Git user.

It may not sound like a big deal at first, but once you fully understand the concept of branching, you’ll wonder how you could have possibly lived without this ability.

Although other version control systems use the branching concept too, Git is the first system that really makes it easy and useful.

Git branching

Here are some resources to read that will help you understand the Git branching concept:

Tip 5: Learn About the Staging Area

Version control is most useful when you wrap up only related changes in a commit. This guarantees the commit can be rolled back easily without side-effects. The habit of making frequent commits also helps your coworkers more easily understand the progression of your changes.

Git makes granular commits easier than any other version control system (VCS) because you can determine which changes exactly shall be in the next commit.

A Git feature called staging area makes this possible.

Learn to use and love the staging area because it’s one of the most essential and unique components of Git.

Here are some resources about Git’s staging area:

Tip 6: Use a Git GUI

Although using a GUI is definitely not a requirement, I highly recommend it.

Using a GUI makes a lot of tasks easier and gives you a head start.

After all, using Git is not about learning commands and parameters by heart, it’s about using Git to improve your coding workflow. If a GUI enhances your coding workflow, there’s no reason to make things harder on yourself.

GitX (L) screenshot

Here are some Git GUIs to check out:

  • Tortoise Git – open source Git GUI for Windows
  • GitX (L) – open source Mac OS X Git client
  • SourceTree – free Git (and Mercurial) GUI for Mac and Windows
  • git-cola – an open source Git GUI
  • Tower – My company’s Git GUI for Mac users

Using a GUI will not relieve you from having to learn the basics, but once you’re happy with the level of Git mastery you have, investigate the tools that will make your life easier.

Tip 7: Commit Yourself to Using Git

Using a new tool can cause a bit of a headache in the first few days. The only way to get through this learning curve is to keep going.

Don’t look back; make a full commitment. Introducing Git into your normal coding workflow will soon prove to be one of the biggest and most significant things you’ve done in a while.

Avoid making exceptions like "I’ll use Git for these projects, but not for these other projects." At least at first.

The mindset of fully committing to Git gives you more opportunities to practice, makes things simpler because you know that the current project you’re working on is using a version control system, and most importantly makes Git a part of your coding habits.

In the future, you’ll see that there are just some situations where you don’t need to use Git. You won’t know what those situations are until you use Git in all the situations you can.

At the start of your journey towards Git mastery, make a 100% commitment to it.

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About the Author

Tobias Günther is CEO and founder of fournova. In 2010, he set out to make Git easier to use: Together with his team, he develops the Git desktop client, Tower for Mac.

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