You already know Photoshop, but to complete your toolkit, shouldn’t you learn Illustrator as well? If you’ve always wanted to learn but never had the time or the resources, check out the new course from Tuts+ Premium: 30 Days to Learn Adobe Illustrator. Over the course of one month you’ll go from complete beginner to working confidently with vector files. Read on to get a quick overview of what the course includes.
Over 4.5 hours of video lessons
Adobe Illustrator is a powerful and popular tool for illustrators and designers, but can be intimidating if you've never worked with vector before. Don't know about anchors, brushes, symbols or meshes? Never fear! Experienced illustrator Ryan Quintal takes you from newbie to Illustrator pro in just 30 days. Once you're up and running, Ryan will work through a final project, a product case design, to show how it all goes together.
30 Days to Learn Adobe Illustrator
You’ll need to become a Tuts+ Premium member to access the full course.
Free preview lessons:
Tuts+ Premium
The recently re-launched Tuts+ Premium is a service that provides top-tier training in a variety of creative fields. Whether you prefer books, video training, or in depth tutorials, we have you covered.
While we unfortunately can’t afford to provide the service for free, it’s only $19 a month – less than you’d spend on dinner.
But the best part is that, every month, we’re adding as many as five new in depth courses on the skills that you want to learn. What’s on the near horizon? Photoshop Techniques for Web Designers, an Intro to Motion Graphics, JavaScript Testing with Jasmine, Advanced Digital Painting, and countless more.
I hope you’ll consider checking it out! In addition to learning a huge variety of new skills, it’s also a fantastic way to say thank you to Psdtuts+.

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