In this tutorial we will explain how to create an amplifier interface using simple shapes and layer styles. Let’s get started!
Tutorial Assets
The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial.
Step 1
Create a document in Photoshop. I used 1600×1600 px, 300dpi, RGB 8bit, white background.
Step 2
Grab the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), set the Radius to 6 px and draw a shape like the one below (1072 x 419 px). After that simply apply the following styles. The color that I’m using is #4c4c4c.
Step 3
Create a new layer and select the previously created rectangle’s pixels (Command/Ctrl + Left Click on the layer’s thumbnail). Paint it white using the Paint Bucket tool (G) and go Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint. Make sure the pixels are still selected and go Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and set the Radius to something around 60 px. Change the Blend Mode to Multiply and the Opacity to 35%.
Step 4
Create a new layer and pick the Brush Tool (B). Select a Hard Round brush, set white as a foreground color and size to 8 px. Draw a straight line. If your line exceeds the rectangle, simply select its pixels, press Command/Ctrl + I (invert) and delete the unwanted parts. Turn Fill down to 0% and apply these styles.
Step 5
Repeat the previous step, only this time make the line thinner (1/3 of the original).
Group all the layers created so far and name the group "Basic Shape".
Step 6
Create a new layer and place it under the Basic Shape group. Grab the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U). Use the same radius, and draw a small rectangle. Change its color to #000000 (total black). Then apply the following style, and duplicate this layer. Group these two layers and name the group "Feet" (or whatever you call these things).
Step 7
Create a new layer and place it on top in the layers stack. Select #707070 as a foreground color and pick the Rectangle Tool (U). Draw a simple rectangle like the one on the image below and turn Fill to 25%.
Then apply these styles.
Step 8
Create a new layer, select the previously created rectangle’s pixels and paint the selection white. Then go Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint, Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Change The Blend Mode to Lighten and Opacity to 26%.
Step 9
Duplicate the shape you created in Step 7, set Fill to 0% and apply this style.
Step 10
Create a new layer and pick the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U). Select #e1e1e1 from the colors palette. Draw a rectangle so that it fits inside the shape created in Step 7. Make sure to leave some spare space.
Now apply these styles.
Step 11
Create a new layer and pick the Ellipse Tool (U). Select #111111 as a foreground color and draw a small ellipse. Turn Fill down to 32% and apply this style.
Your design should then look like this.
Step 12
Create a new layer and place it under the one created in Step 11. Pick the Line Tool (U). Change the Weight to one px and draw a straight line. Then apply these styles.
Step 13
Create a new layer and select the Type Tool (T). Write “20 10 7 5 3 0 3″. The font I’m using is Univers 55 Medium. Make sure to leave a reasonable space between the numbers. Change the color to #111111 and the Fill to 60%. Then click on the Warp Text icon and apply these parameters.
Step 14
Create a new layer, keep the #111111 as a foreground color and using the Line (U) and Pen (P) Tools create something like this.
Again the Weight is set to one px. For the big curved line use the Pen Tool (Stroke Path technique – Right Click on path > Stroke Path).
Before you merge all the layers duplicate twice the "big curved line" layer and place the copies under the other layers you created in this step. Now merge the layers (except from the duplicated ones) and change Fill to 60%.
Step 15
Select the first copy of the layer you duplicated in the previous step and change its color by applying the Color Overlay effect in the Layer Style box. Pick a bright red color; like #e82a2c (Blend Mode: Normal 100%). Then using the Move Tool (V), place the line over the original curved line. The image below will explain it better. Delete the part from 0-20.
Step 16
Repeat the previous step with the other copy. However don’t change its color and this time delete the part from 20 to 3.
Step 17
Create a new layer on top of the layers stack and grab the Type Tool (T). Write “VU”. Change the text’s color to #111111 and the Fill to 60%.
Step 18
Duplicate the shape your created in Step 10 (Rounded Rectangle; #e1e1e1; Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow, Pattern Overlay, Satin) and place it on top of the layers stack. Turn Fill down to 0% and apply the following styles.
Step 19
Create a new layer and pick the Pen Tool (P). Draw a path like the one on the image below.
Then go to the Paths tab (Layers, Channels, Paths) and select the path’s pixels by pressing Command/Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left Click on the path’s thumbnail. Go back to the Layers tab. Now press once again Command/Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left Click on the thumbnail of the layer you created in Step 18. Then pick the Gradient Tool (G) (Linear; White to Transparent) and fill the selection.
Select once again the pixels of the shape created in Step 18 and go Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur (Radius: 1 px). Using the Free Transform (Command/Ctrl + T) make the shape a bit smaller. Change Blend Mode to Linear Dodge (Add) and Fill to 80%.
Step 20
Group all the layers created in Steps 7-19 and name the group VU 1. Duplicate the group, rename it to VU 2 and move it to the right.
Step 21
Create a new layer and pick the Ellipse Tool (U). Draw a perfect circle (hold Shift). Change the shape’s color to #707070 and apply these styles.
Duplicate this layer and turn the Fill to 0%. Then apply the following styles.
Step 22
Create a new layer and select the pixels of the circle you created in Step 21. Paint it white (don’t deselect the pixels), go Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint and then Filter > Blur > Radial Blur (Amount: 20, Spin, Best). Change the Blend Mode to Multiply, the Opacity to 40% and the Fill to 77%. Group the layers created in Steps 21 and 22.
Step 23
Create a new layer and grab the Custom Shape Tool (U). From the list pick the Triangle and draw a small triangle. Use the image below as a guide.
Then apply these styles.
Step 24
Create a new layer and pick the Ellipse Tool (U). Once again draw a perfect circle; a bit smaller than the one in Step 21. The color is still #707070.
Apply these styles.
Duplicate this layer and turn Fill to 0%. Then apply the following styles.
Step 25
Create a new layer and select the pixels of the circle you created in Step 24. Paint it white (don’t deselect the pixels), go Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint and then Filter > Blur > Radial Blur (Amount: 20, Spin, Best). Change the Blend Mode to Multiply, the Opacity to 40% and the Fill to 77%. Group the layers created in Steps 24 and 25. Your design should look like this.
Step 26
Group all the layers created in Steps 21-25 and name the group Amp Control 1. Duplicate the group and move the copy to the right.
Step 27
Create a new layer and pick the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U). Draw a small square (hold Shift). Change the shape’s color to #a70708 and apply these styles.
Create a new layer and using the Type Tool (T) write “POWER”. The font I’m using is still Univers 55 Medium, yet Arial should work fine. Move it just a little bit above the red button and apply the following styles. The gradient is the same you used in the red button.
Step 28
Decorate the button by adding some text and icons (optional). When adding text use white as a color and Overlay as Blend Mode.
Group the layers created in Steps 27-28 and name the group "Power Button".
Step 29
Create a new layer and once again using the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U) draw a shape like the one in the image below. Change the shape’s color to #a1a1a1.
Then simply apply these styles.
Duplicate the “Power” text layer you created before and place it above the grey button you’ve just created. Change the text to “Reel”. Add some text to decorate the button.
Step 30
Group the layers created in Step 29 and name the group “Reel”. Duplicate the group and rename it to “Speed”. Move the group using the Move Tool (V) to the right and change the text.
Step 31
Duplicate the “Speed” group and rename it to “Edit”. Again change the text and move it to the right. Make sure to leave equal space between the groups.
Step 32
Create a new layer and change the foreground color to #707070. Using the Ellipse Tool (U) draw a perfect circle and place it near the “Edit” group.
Then apply these styles.
Step 33
Grab the Custom Shape Tool (U) and select the Triangle from the list. Draw a very small triangle and place this layer right before the one created in Step 32. Apply these styles. NOTE: The gradient is the same you used in Step 23 (big Amp Control).
Step 34
Create a new layer, select the pixels of the circle created in Step 32 (Command/Ctrl + Left Click on the layer’s thumbnail) and paint the selection with white color. Then go Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint; Filter > Blur > Radial Blur (Amount: 20, Spin, Best). Deselect the pixels (Command/Ctrl + D) and change the layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light and the Opacity to 13%.
Now add some text to decorate this small amp controller (or whatever you call it). Those three dots were created using a Hard Round Pressure brush (B). The “Pitch” text layer has the same effects / styles applied as the “Power”, “Reel”, “Speed” and “Edit” layers.
Step 35
Group all the layers created in Steps 32-34 and name the group “Pitch”. Then create a new layer and grab the Line Tool (U). Set Weight to two px and draw a small straight horizontal line. Use the image below as a guide.
Duplicate this layer three times and place the copies according to this image. Group all these line layers and name the group "Simple Lines".
Step 36
Create a new layer and select the Rectangle Tool (U). Change the foreground color to #111111. Draw a rectangle like the one on the image below.
Apply these styles.
Duplicate this layer, change the Fill of the copy to 0% and clear its styles (Right Click on the layer > Clear Layer Style). Then apply the following effects.
The gradient is the same that you used when creating the grey buttons for “Reel”, “Speed” and “Edit” groups.
Step 37
Pick the Type Tool (T) and add some text; both horizontally and vertically (Horizontal text: 63 126 250 500 1K 3K 6,3K 10K 16K; Vertical text: +12 +6 +3 +0 -3 -6 -12). Use the image below as a guide.
Step 38
Create a new layer and draw a rectangle using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M).
Grab the Gradient Tool (G) and make a gradient similar to the one on the image below (Style: Linear). The idea is to create a smooth transition from green to red.
Step 39
Create another layer and select the previously created rectangle’s pixels. Fill it using any color and turn Fill down to 0%. Then apply these effects.
Step 40
Create a new layer and using the Rectangle Tool (U) create something like this. At first create a big rectangle (color #000000) and then a smaller one (color #ffffff). Duplicate the white rectangle eight times to create those bars.
Change the Blend Mode to Multiply and apply this style.
Step 41
Create a new layer and using the Brush Tool (B), “erase” (by painting with black color) any unwanted parts.
Step 42
Create a new layer and grab the Pen Tool (P). Draw a path like this one.
Go to the Paths tab and select the path’s pixels (Command/Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left Click on the path’s thumbnail). Then go back to the Layers tab and find the layer you created in Step 36 and once again press Command/Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left Click on the layer’s thumbnail. Now using a simple White to Transparent, Linear gradient (G) add some light. Change the Opacity to 70% (or whatever works best for you).
Step 43
Add some text using the Type Tool (T). The styles for this text are the same you used in the “Power”, “Reel”, “Speed”, “Edit” and “Pitch” text layers, so just copy these styles from one of those layers (Right click on layer > Copy Layer Style; and on the new one Right Click > Apply Layer Style).
Step 44
Create a new layer and pick the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U). Set the radius to something around 10 px and draw a small rectangle. Change its color to #d18114.
Apply these effects. Again, the gradient is the same you used for the grey buttons in "Reel", "Speed" and "Edit" groups.
Step 45
Duplicate the shape you’ve just created and change the copy’s color to #111111. Then duplicate the new copy four times and place the shapes according to the image below.
Add some text using the Type Tool (T) to decorate the buttons. I used ” ROCK”, “POP”, “FUNK”, “SKA”, “CLASSIC” and “VOCAL”. Change the Blend Mode of those text layers to Overlay.
Step 46
Group all the layers you created in Steps 36-45 and name the group “Equalizer”. For the logo part use the same styles that you used in the other text layers (Power, Reel, Speed, Edit, Equalizer Presets). You may have to tweak the Drop Shadow and Gradient Overlay effects a bit; it depends on the font used and its size.
Step 47
Duplicate the small amp controller you created in the “Pitch” group and scale it down using the Free Transform (Command/Ctrl + T).
Add some text; once again use the same effects that you used for the Power, Reel, Speed, Edit, Equalizer Presets text layers.
Step 48
Using the Line Tool (U) and with the Weight set to one px, draw some lines around the amp controller.
Merge these lines layers and change the Blend Mode to Overlay. Duplicate this layer, rotate it (in Free Transform) and scale it a bit down so that you have two sets of lines.
Now simply add some numbers around the amp controller (Type Tool – T). Once you place them, select all these text layers, rasterize them (Right Click on the layer > Rasterize Layer) and merge them. Change the Blend Mode to Overlay.
Now using the Line Tool (U) -Weight: one px- draw a small straight vertical line and place it between the “0″ and the “10″.
Step 49
Create a new layer and select the Ellipse Tool (U). Draw a small perfect cirle and apply the following styles.
Duplicate this layer twice and place the copies according to the image below. Add some text.
Step 50
Group the layer created in Steps 47-49 and name this group “Phones”. Now create a new layer and duplicate one of the grey buttons you created in “Reel”, “Speed” or “Edit” groups. Scale it down (Free Transform – Command/Ctrl+T) and place it above the VU 1.
Create a new layer and using the Rectangle Tool (U), draw a small rectangle and place it just above the shape you created previously. Change the new shape’s color to #a3620a.
Then add these effects.
Finally, add some text above these buttons. Use white as a color and change the Blend Mode to Overlay.
Step 51
Duplicate these three layers and move the copies to the right. Change the text and repeat this process once again.
Add a text layer (Type Tool – T), write “Left” and place it between the previously created layers and the VU 1.
Step 52
Group all the layers created in Step 50-51 and name the group “LEFT buttons”. Duplicate this group, rename it to “RIGHT buttons” and place it above the VU 2. Remember to change the “Left” text layer to “Right”.
Step 53
Duplicate the “Right” text layer that you created in the previous step and place this layer on top of the layers stack. Change the text to “Input Select” and place it according to the following image.
Now using the Line Tool (U) (Weight: one px) draw something like this. Use white as a foreground color.
Merge all the line layers that you created and change the Blend Mode to Overlay. Group the layers and name the group “Input Select”.
Step 54
Duplicate the “Input Select” text layer and change its text to “Input”. Then duplicate the “Input” layer and change the text to “Output”. Use the image below as a guide for placing these layers.
Group those two layers and name this group “Input/Output amp control”.
Step 55
Create a new layer and grab the Line Tool (U). Draw some lines around the Big Amp Controller (Input). Use white as a foreground color. After drawing the lines, merge all the line layers.
Change the Blend Mode to Lighter Color, the Opacity to 12% and add this style.
Duplicate this layer, rotate it and scale it down (just a little bit).
Finally, add some numbers. After placing the numbers, select all the text layers, rasterize them and merge them. Use the same styles that you used for the lines (BM: Lighter Color, O: 12%, Gradient Overlay).
Step 56
Duplicate the layer you created in the previous step and move them to Big Amp Controller 2 (Output).
Group those six layers and name the group “AMP Control numbers”.
Step 57
Create a new layer, change the foreground color to #a3620a and grab the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U). Set the Radius to something around 10 px and draw a shape like the one on the image below.
Now add these effects.
Step 58
Find the small amp controller in the “Phones” group and duplicate it (without the little triangle). Place this copy on top of the layers stack and move (V) the shape using the image below as a guide. Scale the shape down a little bit.
Now using the Line Tool (U) draw some lines like the ones on the following image. Use white as a foreground color.
After doing this, merge those line layers and change the Blend Mode to Overlay. Add some text (color: white, blend mode: overlay).
Finally, duplicate the “Input Select” text layer, move the copy to the right and change the text to “Effects”. Don’t forget to place the copy layer on top of the layers stack. Group all the layers created in Steps 57-58 and name the group “Effects”.
Step 59
Duplicate two orange and two grey buttons from the “LEFT buttons” group (or “RIGHT buttons”) and place them near the Effects group. Duplicate the “Effects” text layer from the Effects group and change the text to “Signal”.
Add some text (“L”, “R”) above the orange buttons. Use white as a color and change the blend mode to Overlay.
Create a new layer and select the Line Tool (U). Draw something like this. Merge all the line layers and change the Blend Mode to Overlay. Group those eight layers you created in this step and name the group "Signal".
Step 60
Duplicate the “Signal” group and rename it to “Output sync delay”. Move the group to the right (above the “Output / Big Amp Controller 2″) and change the text layers: Signal > Output, L > Delay, R > Sync.
Step 61
Duplicate the small amp controller (WITH the triangle) from the “Phones” group and place it between the “Signal” and “Output sync delay” groups.
Duplicate the “Signal” text layer from the “Signal” group and change the text to “Mix”. Place this text layer above the amp controller.
Add some text to decorate the controller (color: white, blend mode: overlay). Group the layers created in this step and name the group "Mix".
Create a new layer, fill it with #fdc689, change the Blend Mode to Color Burn and the Opacity to 14%. Crop the image. That’s it. You’ve just created a realistic and detailed amplifier. I hope you liked the tutorial and learned something new. Add any additional effects you want to make it look even better

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